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24 2016

Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities Awareness Celebration

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Glickman Library 7th floor
314 Forest Aveue
Portland, ME 04101

Contact Barbara Melnick

October is National Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities Awareness Month

Come Celebrate with Us!!

Monday, October 24 at the Glickman Library at USM from 6-8 pm

Do you know the signs of dyslexia? Have you wondered whether a family member might have learning disabilities? Join our sponsors, the USM Special Education Department, Aucocisco School and Learning Center, and the LDA Maine as we explore the gifts and the difficulties that characterize dyslexia and various learning differences.


Premiere of the video, Dyslexia Buddy, by a local high school senior who was diagnosed with dyslexia in the third grade and has made a short film about her experience and those of other school age students. She will answer questions after the showing.
Panel discussion with students and adults who will share their stories and answer questions.
Simulation Activities - Have you ever wondered how it feels to have dyslexia or another learning disability? These activities will give you a chance to find out!
What is Maine’s law regarding Dyslexia screening and instruction?

Sponsor: USM Department of Special Education, Aucocisco School and Learning Center, LDA of Maine