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Ways to Give


The work of the Jewish Community Alliance represents both our community and its most generous tradition: to give to others, even in very difficult times.

As the Jewish Federation for Southern Maine, the JCA conducts an Annual Campaign to support programs and services that enhance Jewish Community both locally and overseas. In addition, Campaigns are also held each year to support JCA programs and service initiatives including: Keep the Oil Burning, Hanukkah Lights, Scholarships for Center Day Camp, Preschool, Adult Education, and Hillel. Through the generosity of our donors we also receive a variety of types of gifts that support the various parts of the JCA


Stock Gift

Giving to the JCA through a gift of stock is easy! If you would like to make a stock gift, please contact us at 772-1959.

Endowments and Funds

Through the generous support of individuals, families and community members, the Jewish Community Alliance has a variety of endowments and funds that help to meet many of our growing needs.

Gift of Israel

The Gift of Israel program enables Jewish students from Southern Maine to experience a trip to Israel as a meaningful part of their education and development. The program assists families in contributing funds toward an educational program in Israel, and is promoted by local congregations.


Your gift to the JCA helps provide support for programs and services throughout our local community, in Israel, and in Jewish communities around the world.

Annual Campaign

The Annual Campaign has been the glue holding Maine’s Jewish Community together for 100 years, and with your help, it will continue to flourish for the next 100

Capital Campaign

B'Yachad (Together)
Together we will build a new home for the JCA. The new JCA will be a welcoming gateway to the city of Portland and to Jewish life in Southern Maine. It will be a place where all who seek to benefit from Jewish values, traditions and community feel welcome, nourished and supported.