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6 2017

Scholars in Residence - Illness & Healing - Potluck Havdalah

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Congregation Bet Ha'am 81 Westbrook St.
South Portland, ME 04106

Contact Benjamin Gorelick

Congregation Bet Ha'am, through the Rosalyne S. & Sumner T. Bernstein Scholar-in-Residence Fund, is proud to welcome this year’s Bernstein Scholars-in-Residence, 'The Velveteen Rabbi Rachel Barenblat and Rabbi David Markus, co-chairs of ALEPH: The Alliance for Jewish Renewal. Mark your calendars and plan to join us for the weekend of May 5-7, 2017.

The weekend marks the halfway point between Passover and Shavuot, exactly halfway between liberation and revelation. Here, the Torah teaches us “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Activities and discussions will focus on the themes of love, community, and holiness through various practical and spiritual lenses. We’ll look at how Jewish Renewal can use themes and motifs to deepen the spiritual experience of public prayer services timed to the Torah cycle and the spiritual flow of the year, how mitzvot are intertwined with ritual, and the support of Jewish community in modern times.

Friday, May 5
7:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat Evening Service
Holiness, Love, and Community - Loving your neighbor in modern times.

Saturday, May 6
9:00 AM - Torah Study
The spiritual and practical of community and renewal.

6:00 PM - Potluck Seudat Shlishit and Havdalah
Havdalah Service with a program on Illness and Healing

Sunday, May 7
10:30 AM - Adult and Children’s Workshop
Mitzvah and Mysticism - Holy Doing and Holy Being.

All are welcome!

Please contact Benjamin Gorelick in the Bet Ha'am office at 879-0028 or for more information about this exciting weekend.

Sponsor: The Rosalyne S. and Sumner T. Bernstein Scholars in Residence Fund at Bet Ha'am