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8 2016

Sholem Aleichem - Yiddish Literature with Dr. Steve Simons

10:00AM - 11:30AM  

Temple Beth El (Conservative) 400 Deering Avenue
Portland, ME


Join Dr. Shimon Simons for a four session course on an adventure through the life and literature of the "grandson of Yiddish Literature, Sholem Aleichem."

Who was Soloman Rabinowitz? Why did he use the heartiest and most welcoming of Jewish greetings, "Sholem Aleichem," as his literary name? This participatory course will explore the life and times of the "grandchild of Yiddish literature." Through selected short stories we will see how he responds to the rapid changes affecting the Jewish community in the Russian Pale of Settlement and then in the United States where nearly three million Jews began a new chapter in Jewish experience between 1880 and 1921. See the world through the eyes of the Jewish masses as interpreted by this innovative writer of the people.

Sponsor: TBE's Adult Jewish Learning Committee